• Une école sans mur /Des transmissions
… Page en cours de fabrication …
Catherine Contour believes creation, research and transmission are inextricably linked. Transmissions are forms of creations, creations of shared experiences with a pedagogical quality..
Transmissions and accompaniments
Transmissions are a means of passing on knowledge and sharing experiences, both individually and collectively. They are constantly evolving and are deployed in various forms and formats, adapting to the host venues and audience.
Some examples: The hypnotic tool for creation with adaptations depending on the domain and many possible entries including for improvisation, for site-specific creations (practices and tools from artistic creation and energy work to connect to contexts and places), danser brut (dancing and choreographing with the hypnotic tool), Cultiver l’art du repos, la météorologie du corps, Faire paysage, l’utilisation du langage en hypnose (to create and transmit).
Catherine Contour accepts invitations from institutions but also from people who organize sessions with a group of a dozen or so people. She has also developed various proposals within the 40Neuf association.
Workshops and laboratories in graduate programs for dancers and choreographers (CNDC Angers, Fondation Royaumont-Transforme), many art, design and architecture schools, (ENSBA and ENSAD in Paris, Head in Geneva etc.), a workshop-class with the Blois art school, transmissions for artists in Europe and Japan, workshops for health workers or researcher-patients (Collectif Ding-Ding-Dong) and open sessions for all (Un cours de danse comme création collective at the CCN2 Grenoble, Morning Practice for the Swiss Salon and the Venice biennale, Cultiver l’art du repos en position de spectateur at the MC2 Grenoble, Une friche en août-université d’été outdoors in nature (Drôme) etc.
The accompaniments
Catherine Contour occasionally accompanies artists and artistic teams from various fields and generations at different stages in the creative process using the hypnotic tool.
Encounters, conversations, workshops, screenings…
She shares her approach and research through lecture-performances, screenings-encounters, and infusion conversations in numerous institutional and alternative venues.
Pauline Picot « Une plage à l’ENSATT » - Journée d’exploration le 27/10/17.
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Pauline Picot « J’aimerais que ce moment se déplie dans le temps » - Conférence-performance ENSATT Lyon 30/11/17.
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